Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Facial Exercise for Anti-ageing!

So as you know I am a fan and believer in the power of facial exercisers, but because I find them too difficult to master and its just so darn time consuming, I prefer the nifty TUA VISO Anti-Ageing Machine to do my exercisers for me. I came across this video on the net and you will see what I mean about exercising the sagging face, try not to laugh too much.

But Seriously the best and most economical way to push back time is through facial resistance exercises. Just like a toned body needs to be worked at, so is a youthful and toned face.

Resistance training works by causing microscopic damage or tears to the muscle cells, which in turn are quickly repaired by the body to help the muscles regenerate and grow stronger. The breakdown of the muscle fiber is called catabolism, and the repair and re-growth of the muscle tissue is called anabolism. Anabolic means to grow, and that's exactly what happens after you break down the muscle fibers with resistance exercise. In fact, many biological processes of growth in the body require some breakdown, or catabolism, prior to re-growth. [source]

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