Friday, September 11, 2015

How and where to use the Tua Viso.

For more information on the Tua VISO and other Tua Beauty products contact us by phone on: 0114476257 or our website:

Non-Surgical Facelift


The price of the Tua Viso is R2700.00 and is available from Tua Online Beauty Products or call for more information on: 011 4476257

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

How does the Tua Viso Feel?

People find the TUA VISO facial treatment completely comfortable. After the treatment you will feel pampered, relaxed and refreshed.  There are a few instances where people have felt a little sensitive in the mounth / teeth area, however with usage this sensation goes within a short period.

The intensity of the impulse produced is adjustable so either very delicate or very intense contractions can be obtained: such contractions are clearly visible and will guide you during operation. What is more, the contraction rhythm (3-second muscle contractions with equally long intervals) has been studied and fine tuned to ensure that facial muscles are toned up as quickly as possible.

For more information on the Tua Viso non-surgical facelift see HERE